
Please bookmark this page and return here for the latest community news and notifications of the next board meeting.

Swimming Pool Drainage
Please make sure that you drain your pools into the roads and gutters, NOT onto the grass and landscaping. We've had 2 large sections of the hedges along Greenfield Blvd die in the past two months. We suspect this was the result of chlorinated water from swimming pools that was carelessly dumped onto the grass behind the homes and then flowed to the hedges and killed them. Please make sure you have a hose that is long enough to reach the street when you drain your pools - pool water will kill any and all vegetation that it comes into contact with. Thank you.
Please make sure that you drain your pools into the roads and gutters, NOT onto the grass and landscaping. We've had 2 large sections of the hedges along Greenfield Blvd die in the past two months. We suspect this was the result of chlorinated water from swimming pools that was carelessly dumped onto the grass behind the homes and then flowed to the hedges and killed them. Please make sure you have a hose that is long enough to reach the street when you drain your pools - pool water will kill any and all vegetation that it comes into contact with. Thank you.
Annual Membership Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Greenfield Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 28, 2025
Greenfield Annual HOA Dues $500
Thursday, January 1, 2026
HOA dues of $500 are due on January 1, 2025